Advanced Session JULY 2020
Sessions FILLED
JULY 20-24,
Advanced level daily technique, pointe or batterie, plus repertoire.
updated: July 20, 2020
We offer an intimate experience for serious ballet students, aged 12-22, with small class sizes. This summer due to the pandemic timetable of re-opening studios in San Francisco, The French Sessions® will be held at a location in South San Francisco (San Mateo County) and taught by Pierre-François Vilanoba. We’re sorry that Pascale Leroy will not be able to join us this July. The classes are taught at an advanced level although we accept students transitioning from intermediate to an advanced level in the fall or who have demonstrated to us that they can safely navigate an advanced curriculum.
Space is limited to 12 students per day in accordance with the County Public Health Department allowance - “youth extracurricular activities are now permissible in units of no more than 12 individuals per "extracurricular bubble".
July 20-24 (Mon-Fri) ADVANCED
10:30a-3:30p (4.5hrs +break)
--- 10:30a-12:25p : Technique
--- 12:30p-1:30p: Batterie/Pointe
--- 1:35p-3:30p: Repertoire
Advanced $300/week
THREE Full-Day Pack
$195/packSINGLE Full-Day sessions, as space permits, Please EMAIL your REQUEST
(Register by completing the form below and
making a deposit or full payment, by scrolling down further)
Advance Registration is necessary as class size is limited to 15 students per weekly session.
COMPLETE the FORM below for up to TWO students in the same family. After Clicking SUBMIT you will remain on this page where you can SCROLL DOWN further for Payment Options.
BELOW the Form, Please Submit your DEPOSIT or FULL PAYMENT for each student and session desired.
Package and Payment Options BELOW the Form:
CLICK 1st Image “Adv Technique Session Options” for Full Week, 3-Day Pack or Full-Day Drop-In
CLICK 2nd Image “Registration Deposit” to Deposit payment of $100